Profil Andika Setiawan

Andika Setiawan, S.Kom., M.Cs.

Artificial Intelligence dan Data Engineering


NIP : 19911127 2022 03 1 007
NIDN : 0027119101
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Latar Belakang Pendidikan

  1. Program Studi Informatika, Universitas Sebelas Maret (S-1)
  2. Program Studi Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Gadjah Mada (S-2)

Bidang Riset

Digital Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence


  1. Evaluating the integration of research-based internship with sustainable environmental thinking
  2. Utilization of K-nearest neighbor algorithm for classification of white blood cells in AML M4, M5, and M7
  3. The Combination of YAKE and Language Processing for Unsupervised Term Extraction Ontology Learning
  4. Comparison of Speeded-Up Robust Feature (SURF) and Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) Methods in Identifying Museum Objects Using Low Light Intensity Images
  5. Classification of cell types in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) of M4, M5 and M7 subtypes with support vector machine classifier

Pengalaman Hibah (Grant)

  1. Hibah SMART ITERA Tahun 2019 (Ketua)
  2. Hibah PKM ITERA Tahun 2020 (Anggota)
  3. Hibah PKM ITERA Tahun 2022 (Ketua)
  4. Hibah PKM Simlitabmas Tahun 2022 (Anggota)

Mata Kuliah Yang Diampu

  1. Sistem Informasi
  2. Algoritma dan Struktur Data
  3. Dasar Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
  4. Matematika Diskrit
  5. Manajemen Proyek Teknologi Informasi
  6. Pengolahan Citra Digital
  7. Socio Informatika dan Etika Profesi
  8. Jaringan Komputer
  9. Algoritma dan Pemrograman
  10. Pengantar Komputer dan Software
  11. Probabilitas dan Statistika

Kalender Andika